I don't know what people have against Tom Cruise but it's really getting on my nerves.
He's crazy? Give me a break. So what if he jumped on Oprah's couch a few years back exclaiming his love for Katie Holmes? The guy was in love! And so what if he's a devout member of the Scientology religion, they may have some crazy rules or traditions but so do most religions.
The man is a great actor. Mission Impossible III WAS pushing it, and I didn't much care for War of the Worlds, but this is the guy who was Jerry McGuire! And he gave us other great film classics like the first Mission Impossible, Interview With a Vampire, Top Gun and A Few Good Men.
My opinion is that he's an attractive older man with a great career that we should appreciate and people should stop bringing him down with their rude comments and harsh articles. I believe the guy deserves praise instead of criticism.