Many think that the 'Path of Least Resistance' is when you swallow your opinion or feelings when dealing with people.
The 'Path of Least Resistance' is actually not putting yourself in situations in the first place that will create those hurt feelings. If you have an issue with someone, but yet continue to sit there across from them with a smile on your face, this means you do not have the guts to do what is right for yourself.
PUT YOURSELF FIRST! You should never put yourself in a room with someone who makes you feel anything but happiness. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF! You have a voice, use it!
Before entering a situation, take those two minutes to ask yourself how do you think it will pan out. If you have ANY negative feelings towards it, it is probably best that you do not take part in it. Surround yourself with people who actually care about you and take the time to show it.
It takes a lot of hard work and maturity to stay on the 'Path', but it does pay off in the end. We're past high school now, we have the choice to not see someone and to make ourselves feel great.