We all know who this is, the young lady who's album has reached number one on the billboard charts, Ke$ha.
Ke$ha was on the "Wendy Williams" show this morning, talking about the gossip and all that crap. I looked at her in disgust, this white pop princess trying to act 'gangsta' and her wardrobe being anything but fashionable.
"My style is ... garbage chic" Ke$ha told Wendy this morning. She was parading around on stage in body glitter, torn tights, booty shorts, a t-shirt painted over with the symbol '$' and silver make-up surrounding her right eye (possibly trying to re-create the Fame lightning bolt of Lady Gaga). "Garbage chic" is not a term, it is not fashion, to look like a garbage can threw up all over you is not what it is to be a style icon.
The girls of the world of the ages 16 and under watching Ke$sha will most likely try to uphold this new 'trend'. Stop it. 'TiK ToK' albeit might be catchy, but let's not catch on to Ke$sha's, what can only be described as, wardrobe malfunction.