I went to a nicer restaurant for supper last night for a friend's birthday (Happy 20th to Jasmine by the way! :)) and it was a nicer looking place called the Blue Cactus, if you know of it.
It wasn't like a 50$-a-plate menu but it was about a 20$-a-plate menu with a bar, low-lighting, etc.. One of the waitresses was wearing rubber boots to work.
I get that rubber boots are... more "fashionable" now with their array of colours and I have seen plenty of people wearing them outside but in their defence the snow has been melting and it has been raining off and on.
But to wear them to work? I mean I don't wear them period but to wear them to work is just not really acceptable. It doesn't seem like something I would want the waitresses of my restaurant wearing as part of their all-black uniform (polk-a-dot rubber boots does not seem like part of the attire to me). If it's okay with your boss or manager I guess what the hell but to work at a classier place it just doesn't seem to fit in right.