Last week's episode of "Ugly Betty" kind of hit home for me.
I'll just take a second to say that the black dress and gold belt that she wears whenever her braces are off is AMAZING! She looks like a toothpick even though she is a curvacious Latina where as her usual bulky and out-of-place garb makes her look more over-weight than what she actually is. Just another example of the appropriate clothing making a difference.
But the topic last week was how different Betty's life would have been if she hadn't had her braces. She would have become a meaner person, the equivalent of Willie (the notoriously fabulous bitch boss), and would have taken advantage of everyone and everything. Being a veteran of braces, I sat back and thought. If I had had wonderfully straight teeth, my eyebrows wouldn't have been so bushy, my hair so hippie-like, and my clothes hadn't of been second-hand or from Wal-Mart, I probably would have been different.
I look at all those people around my age who grew up with rich parents and were the hottest kids in the class and I see them now and I'm glad I went through those trials and hard-times as a tween/teen. I would be taking advantage of my parents giving me everything, I would think that I could get by on my looks, I would have no respect for myself or other people around me, which are all true stories that all have a not-so-good ending thus far. I'm glad of what has happened, and reflecting after watching that episode I was reminded of how lucky I am.
Thanks Betty :)