Blog Archive


The Negative Idiot

To those who read my blog to either; make fun, be an ass, or think I or anyone else who chooses these types of ideas as a focal point in their life is an idiot, can go suck it.

#1, I am one hell of a smart woman so don't talk down to me like you think I'm an idiot. I know things that you will never know and never learn, I bet you don't dress half as well as I do.

#2, This is my opinion. YES! It WILL be bias because it is MY opinion and everyone is allowed to have their own opinions and I WELCOME opinions that are not trying to hurt my feelings, or the feelings of my readers, or are negative in any other way.

#3, No, fashion is NOT the most important thing in life. But it should be one of your top priorities. For me it goes this way;

My appearance
And any other activity.

#4, You WILL not make fun of the people in the pictures who are friends or family, you will not treat me like an idiot and you will not put me down or anyone else that leaves comments. Your comment will be deleted and no one will see it anyways so don't even bother. Just because I talk about shoes, proper make-up colour choices, or the best outfit to wear for a certain occasion does not make me a ditzy, blonde bimbo. I am a hard-working university student and you will give me credit for what I can do and if not, I don't want to hear about it.

Now get out of my face. Thank you.