Lady Gaga's "Alejandro" music video is now available for everyone to see!
It is amazing, fantastic, creative and overwhelmingly intense. Lady Gaga is one of my biggest idols and I appreciate everything she hands out to the world (so that may make me a bit biased).
My favourite make-up: Her eye make-up when she is wearing the red leather nun costume.
My favourite costume/get-up: The red leather nun costume.
Over-all favourite part: The male dancers in black high-heels writhing around on their beds.
Her costumes ad the 'wow' factor that Lady Gaga always brings to the stage, her music videos or even the streets of the world. Her M-16 bra was definitely one of them, but Gaga had another 'wow' factor that would not be recognized in other music videos... her plain black top and dress pants. With any costume at the beginning of the video I was stunned into a jaw-drop but when I saw Lady Gaga in PANTS, the same thing happened. It was quite genius of her to shock her audience by being her 'outside-the-box' self and then changing to a simple, almost fully covered other.
If you have not seen it, watch it.