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The Behaviour

No, this post is nothing fashion related... it's a little bit off the charts. But I feel like this is LONG overdue because apparently people don't know how to behave in a restaurant.

I do work as a server, and I have been for a looooong time (my dad has owned different restaurants since I have been a kid). Some of the things that I have seen where I work or have had happen to me are indescribably stupid, ignorant, and just down-right rude.

1) It IS a big deal when you want to change to a different table. We will try to accommodate you, and most likely will, but when we ask you to give us a couple minutes to try and figure things out don't pout.
2) If you have a large party of 20 or more people, SOMEONE HAS TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON. Like how many people are coming, who is where, and just in general what is going on with the group. We don't feel like chasing people.
3) Control your company. Don't throw food, don't yell and scream, and do NOT touch my ass.
4) Be mindful of other people. There are other customers around who are probably getting really mad at the fact that your blocking the path to their table, you are SUPER loud, and that you're taking up all of their free room by just bringing up random chairs to your table.. all of this will most likely become OUR fault.
5) I am a server, not just for your table, which probably means I have quite a few of them. If you can tell that I'm running around like a maniac, that I am serving a whole bunch of tables, and then let's just say about ten people from your group of twenty decide to come up and pay me and I can't get your drink right away for you, UNDERSTAND THAT I WILL GET TO IT JUST NOT RIGHT NOW.
6) I think the last one I'm going to say is to control your children. It may be a "family" restaurant but that does not mean I am a babysitter so you should not let your children run free. They will run into me, other servers or customers which might result in something getting broken.

There's probably many more, but none that seem as important as these ones because they are quite common sense, but yet the world of servers are faced with these problems almost every day. We are providing you with a service, but if you take advantage of this service, STAY HOME AND COOK YOUR OWN MEAL.

P.S. If you're server was attentive, talkative, and just did an overall awesome job PLEASE tip them well... we only make $8.90/hour.