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The Pleats

I am going to say this, as a last and final 'end of discussion' (I cannot stress how much I do NOT want to bring this up again)... if you are bigger than about a size 4, YOU CANNOT WEAR PLEATS (in pants OR skirts)!

Just face it. If you are bigger than a size 4 (roughly) it's just not going to make you look 'cool' or 'in style'... it's probably going to add on about 2 sizes to your hips and bum. None of your friends are telling you this and will probably disagree with me because they're trying to be nice. But what kind of friend would let you look bigger than what you actually are? And we all know almost EVERY SINGLE FEMALE has weight issues! My God people.

I can even say that myself, a wholesome size 7-8, cannot wear things like that either.. but you know what it's okay! There are other things that girls like us can wear that size 0s can't.

Giving up on those articles of clothing that are not for your body type is the moment when you become okay with the way you are and stop trying to change it.