Lady Gaga as Philip Treacy's intern? I think it's a WONDERFUL idea.
The woman is innovative, stylish and already seems to know so much about the fashion industry. I personally think that she would be an asset to Treacy instead of the other way around. Her ideas never cease to flow from that brilliant and beautiful mind, she is prepared to roll the 21st century into the 22nd century WAY ahead of schedule.
It seems a little ... false ... to give Lady Gaga the role as 'intern' because she most definitely will not be making coffee runs or doing anyone's bitch work. Terms such as 'teammate', 'collaborator', or otherwise should be used.
And if Sean Avery can do it at Vogue and Kanye West at Gap, the Gaga is the next best candidate! (If I was a fashion mogul I would have ASKED her to 'intern' instead of just waiting for her request).