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The Best

She is the best at what she does, she is Britney Spears!

Who is honestly still talking about her marriage to what's-his-face? Or shaving her head? Or having a bit of a downfall? She is back to her pop-star status from early 2000s with "Hit Me Baby" and "Oops I Did It Again". Don't shake your head at me.. we all know that we loved those songs at one point in time, and when they come on the radio today we sing along with all of our hearts (guys included).

I have to admit, the only musicians in the pop music industry that I listen to are Lady Gaga and The Beatles (pre-rock n' roll). My taste lies elsewhere but yet, when a Britney song comes on, there's something inside every girl whether they like pop music or not that just starts to move and want to dance!

I know she does not write her music and she has a producer making up the sounds, plus her voice is probably on auto tune. But the girl is smart, you have to admit. Either she is smart in the people she chooses to work for her, or in her artistic input (if there is any). The fact that she rose to the occasion after all the things that have happened to her in the past couple of years does show her as a good role model (in a way). She is determined and keeps doing what it is that she does best, being a performer.

Her level of entertaining is not at par with Lady Gaga (musician/songwriter/entertainer/dancer/fashion guru) but at her own level, she beats out the rest. Her tunes are nothing but catchy and fun-loving, and sometimes that is all that people need.