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The Behaviour

No, this post is nothing fashion related... it's a little bit off the charts. But I feel like this is LONG overdue because apparently people don't know how to behave in a restaurant.

I do work as a server, and I have been for a looooong time (my dad has owned different restaurants since I have been a kid). Some of the things that I have seen where I work or have had happen to me are indescribably stupid, ignorant, and just down-right rude.

1) It IS a big deal when you want to change to a different table. We will try to accommodate you, and most likely will, but when we ask you to give us a couple minutes to try and figure things out don't pout.
2) If you have a large party of 20 or more people, SOMEONE HAS TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON. Like how many people are coming, who is where, and just in general what is going on with the group. We don't feel like chasing people.
3) Control your company. Don't throw food, don't yell and scream, and do NOT touch my ass.
4) Be mindful of other people. There are other customers around who are probably getting really mad at the fact that your blocking the path to their table, you are SUPER loud, and that you're taking up all of their free room by just bringing up random chairs to your table.. all of this will most likely become OUR fault.
5) I am a server, not just for your table, which probably means I have quite a few of them. If you can tell that I'm running around like a maniac, that I am serving a whole bunch of tables, and then let's just say about ten people from your group of twenty decide to come up and pay me and I can't get your drink right away for you, UNDERSTAND THAT I WILL GET TO IT JUST NOT RIGHT NOW.
6) I think the last one I'm going to say is to control your children. It may be a "family" restaurant but that does not mean I am a babysitter so you should not let your children run free. They will run into me, other servers or customers which might result in something getting broken.

There's probably many more, but none that seem as important as these ones because they are quite common sense, but yet the world of servers are faced with these problems almost every day. We are providing you with a service, but if you take advantage of this service, STAY HOME AND COOK YOUR OWN MEAL.

P.S. If you're server was attentive, talkative, and just did an overall awesome job PLEASE tip them well... we only make $8.90/hour.


The Pleats

I am going to say this, as a last and final 'end of discussion' (I cannot stress how much I do NOT want to bring this up again)... if you are bigger than about a size 4, YOU CANNOT WEAR PLEATS (in pants OR skirts)!

Just face it. If you are bigger than a size 4 (roughly) it's just not going to make you look 'cool' or 'in style'... it's probably going to add on about 2 sizes to your hips and bum. None of your friends are telling you this and will probably disagree with me because they're trying to be nice. But what kind of friend would let you look bigger than what you actually are? And we all know almost EVERY SINGLE FEMALE has weight issues! My God people.

I can even say that myself, a wholesome size 7-8, cannot wear things like that either.. but you know what it's okay! There are other things that girls like us can wear that size 0s can't.

Giving up on those articles of clothing that are not for your body type is the moment when you become okay with the way you are and stop trying to change it.


The Bag

I went on a bag-hunt today because my poor purse broke.

*Just a reminder that when a bag rips, tears, breaks or something falls off of it, it's time to throw it away ladies... no matter how much it cost. Maybe next time you will be wiser in your decision of what you purchase.

As I was looking for a rad-looking bag, it seemed all I could come across were hobo-style and cross-chest ones. What happened to the classic purse? The one that was just the perfect size that you did not lose everything in it and that did not look like it was our grandmas?

These purses that I seek seem to only really be found at the stores we shy away from because their for 'older' ladies. And this is true, because of their lack in different styles and their permanence in neutral and earth tones. It just seems that I cannot find the best of two worlds (unless I wanted to pay a couple hundred dollars which I am not prepared to do). I wish I could be up there, at the top where all the decisions are being made to pipe in that the classic purse needs to be reintegrated into the 14-35 year old female group and at an affordable cost.


The Best

She is the best at what she does, she is Britney Spears!

Who is honestly still talking about her marriage to what's-his-face? Or shaving her head? Or having a bit of a downfall? She is back to her pop-star status from early 2000s with "Hit Me Baby" and "Oops I Did It Again". Don't shake your head at me.. we all know that we loved those songs at one point in time, and when they come on the radio today we sing along with all of our hearts (guys included).

I have to admit, the only musicians in the pop music industry that I listen to are Lady Gaga and The Beatles (pre-rock n' roll). My taste lies elsewhere but yet, when a Britney song comes on, there's something inside every girl whether they like pop music or not that just starts to move and want to dance!

I know she does not write her music and she has a producer making up the sounds, plus her voice is probably on auto tune. But the girl is smart, you have to admit. Either she is smart in the people she chooses to work for her, or in her artistic input (if there is any). The fact that she rose to the occasion after all the things that have happened to her in the past couple of years does show her as a good role model (in a way). She is determined and keeps doing what it is that she does best, being a performer.

Her level of entertaining is not at par with Lady Gaga (musician/songwriter/entertainer/dancer/fashion guru) but at her own level, she beats out the rest. Her tunes are nothing but catchy and fun-loving, and sometimes that is all that people need.


The Boobs

Yes I said "boobs", you can call them whatever you like - tits, breasts, hooters - but I'm going to call them "boobs'.

They have been around for a pretty long time.. if you're religious, they started with Eve, and if you're not, they started with the first cavewoman. So what would you consider that? A couple hundred thousand years give or take? So WHY have men not gotten used to them?

It has been super hot lately, and yes, last week I did not wear a bra because it was just too damn hot. However, I was not like those girls who wear a shirt that you can clearly see through or have them bouncing all over the place. I made sure that the top was appropriate and that I was secure. I had maybe 20-25 guys throughout the entire day stare my boobs down as if they had just called them on to a stand-off.

Have you not realized that it makes me uncomfortable? I can tell, we can ALL tell. Every girl knows when a guy is staring, even though you guys have been doing it forever you still have not gotten a grasp on the concept of being sneaky about it. Plus, have you not realized that it makes the girl that you're with uncomfortable as well? Because yes, she knows too.

Women are not excluded from this either. On the same day in question I had women staring down my breasts as well. I had older women (one little old lady passed me by TWICE and stared at my boobs in disgust) and younger ones my age (who looked at my boobs, then at me with a face that said "Oh my god, you're such a slut"). You guys should be on MY side, not against me! I understand discrimination against girls who do not wear clothes properly on purpose so that they have their boobs falling out but I was not one of those girls.

They have been around for so long, and they will be around until the human race is extinct.. so you should probably all get a handle on them. Stop staring at them, in any way. Okay, a peek is fine, but for God's sake men, learn how to be aloof about it.


The Legend

The Sir Paul McCartney concert in Montreal has come and gone.

Obviously I am a little biased on the topic of Paul McCartney but I have to say again what a great show it was.
-He didn't have an opening act
-He played 3 straight hours
-Did two encores
-Played 4 guitars, 2 basses, 2 pianos, a ukulele and a banjo
-He even did a Jimi Hendrix tribute and played Foxey Lady

The man is 69 years old, need I say more? I feel that that sums up WHY all of these things made the show even greater.

I have watched The Beatles' movies and documentaries about them, and it was just so funny and heart-warming to see that Paul is only old on the outside, not the inside. He was the EXACT same personality, cheery/cheeky/fun, as he was when he was 20.

Among the other tributes, there was one for George Harrison where he played "Something in the Way She Moves" (a Beatles' song written by George) and one for John Lennon where he played "Here Today" (a song that Paul wrote to John after John had died). I must admit, that that song made me tear up. The synopsis of it is that he imagines a conversation that he and John would have if John was still here, and he admits to loving John very much and that it has never been the same without him.
*I do stress the fact that you should listen to it.

There's no one that does it like Sir Paul McCartney does, if I had the money I would see every show. I hope he is still able to perform like this up until a VERY VERY ripe old age, because there's no other place for Paul, than on the stage.


The Plastic Surgery

This is Taylor Armstrong, one of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Its sad really, she was probably so beautiful before she did all of this to her face. Why would you reconstruct what God (or whichever supernatural being you believe in) gave you?

I had a discussion with my friend the other day who said she wanted a 'boob job'. My answer to her was that, God made you in proportion to everything else in your body, if you were to alter something then the whole balance would be off and you would look ridiculous. You do not need to alter anything in your body.

I might be considered a hypocrite however, because I do support such things as liposuction (in a minimal amount - NOT to go down a whole person size or if you are already a size 0), or the breast 'pick-up' surgery (where they do not add anything to your breasts, just take what's already there and lift it up). You can determine yourself if that makes me a hypocrite or not.

But to alter yourself in a way that leaves you looking nothing like what you used to, and like every other girl that has had plastic surgery (because let's face it, they all look the same) is demeaning to yourself. I see no problems with sprucing yourself up a bit, but to do complete renovations means to me that you do not love YOURSELF.

Plus with plastic surgery, you age TERRIBLY.